Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thanks Mom

Thanks Mom for working hard; you and Dad were farmers,
Raising strawberries, green beans and chickens so we would have plenty to eat.
Thanks Mom for calling out page numbers so I could practice finding hymns fast enough to sing in the choir at church.
Thanks Mom for all the fabric you transformed into my dresses, blouses and skirts.
and repairing the rip when I caught my dress on the sliding board and tore it apart.
Thanks Mom for driving me to piano lessons, band concerts, and choir practice at church.
You never complained at my missed notes on the piano, or my squeaky clarinet.
Thanks Mom for the hugs and prayers, the encouraging words, saying
“Get an education so you can support yourself” and “You’ve got the same clothes to get happy in
that you got mad/sad in.” 
It’s been six years since you left this world; I felt like a (50+ year old) orphan.
With time the heartbreak has healed into a small smile deep in my heart.  
Thanks Mom for everything. 


  1. What a beautiful post, Sharon! :)

  2. Thanks Margo,

    I enjoyed writing a tribute to my sweet loving mom.

  3. Sharon what a great thank you to your Mom. I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day. --Ann

  4. Thanks Ann, I did have a good day. I hope your Mothers day was good also.
