Sunday, January 22, 2012

Caregiver's Guide: Care for Yourself while you care for your loved ones

Hi, are you Jon Jones?  My name is Bertha Smith and I live in Memphis, Tennessee.  Your mama parked her car in front of my house and walked to my door.  She said, ‘I’m lost, please call my son Jon.’  She found your phone number in her purse and asked me to call.  How soon can you come get your mama?”
As Jon hung up the phone, thoughts flew through his head.  “Memphis is 200 miles south of here.  She hasn’t been to Memphis in many years.  How did Mom get down there?  How do I get her home?”
Picking up the phone, he called his wife. “Honey, I know you’re at a business meeting, but I need your help.  Mom drove herself to Memphis and we need to go get her.”
Jon’s wife met him at home and Jon explained his plan.  “It’s eight o-clock now.  If we leave now, we can be in Memphis before midnight.  I can drive Mom’s car and bring her home if you will drive my truck.  We should be home around 4 A.M.  I know you have to work tomorrow, and I’m sorry but I need your help.”
When Jon and his wife arrived in a poor midtown Memphis neighborhood, they found his mom in good health and spirits.  She had knocked on the door of a kind, caring Memphis resident who allowed her to stay with her family all evening.  The lady had fed Mom and treated her well.  As Jon, his wife and his mother were leaving, Jon told her, “I can’t thank you enough for caring for my mother. 
Jon asked his mother why she drove to Memphis.  She replied, I was going to the bank.  Why would I go to Memphis.” 
I changed the names but this situation was our family’s slap-us-in-the-face reality; Mom-in-law (and we, her family) faced a problem.  This scenario is the opening in chapter 1 of my new book. 


  1. I am so glad you are doing posts from your book.
    I enjoyed it so much, I hope others will have
    that opportunity also. pdg

  2. Thanks PDG for your comment. I appreciate your feedback and your support.
