Tuesday, June 7, 2011

E Coli outbreak part 3 --June 7, 2011

Update on E Coli infections in Europe.  Today's news update states it's probably not the bean sprouts raised on a German farm; they don't know what caused the outbreak and probably never will.
That's scary. 

There's bickering back and forth between countries and governments.  It's become a political hotcake. 
I'm not an analyst and I don't know all the details about this situation.

I do feel bad for all those people caught in the middle of this situation.  What about those people who died?What about the family who grieves because Grandma died after she ate a salad?

This situation does point out the dangers to our food supply.  Today's news states irradiation could be used to kill E Coli in foods like lettuce, spinach, and even ground beef.  It's been approved by the FDA three years ago.  I don't know the details of irradiation, but it seems like a potential technology for this situation.

This very serious post doesn't fit in a series about humor/laughter which I began this morning.
On the other hand, when life gets scary, we need a good laugh to keep us going. 

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