Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clean Water

We in America are very blessed.  We can turn on the faucet, drink the water and suffer no ill effects.  Many parts of the world deal with water teeming with germs and parasites, waiting to make the person who drinks it sick. 
Several years ago David & I went on a mission trip to South America for two weeks.  We were told by our missionary hosts, do not drink the water unless you want to be sick.  Do not use tap water to brush your teeth and do not swallow water while in the shower.  (That brushing your teeth without using tap water was tricky for me.)  They provided us with filtered water which we drank throughout our stay. 
I was a part of the kitchen crew.   I quickly learned a lot of effort went into cleaning the fresh fruits and vegetables we were all going to eat.  Because the tap water wasn’t safe to drink, preparing the food was a multi-step process of cleaning, making the food safe and then preparing.  Our meals were excellent with lots of fresh, ripe fruits and vegetables.  However, I knew how much work we put into the preparation. 
Clean water—we take it for granted.   At any time, I can drink a glass of tap water at my home and know that it is safe and I won’t get sick.  I’m thankful.


  1. I saw Matt Damon on Ellen talk about this issue once. He said it is amazing how many people in the world don't have clean water when it is such an easy thing to fix. It all comes down to money and resources. We don't realize how lucky we are. You are so right! Thanks for this post.


  2. Hi Margo,

    Yes, I never recognized until our mission trip how fortunate we are to have clean water. Thanks for your comment. Sharon
