Saturday, May 5, 2012

Toenail fungus--what are symptoms and who is at risk?

What are symptoms of toenail fungus?  Toenail fungus can begin as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail.  As the fungus infection grows, it makes the nail thicken, become brittle, crumbly or ragged.  The nail looks dull and has no shine.  It may become distorted in shape and may become a dark color (caused by debris under the nail). Some people notice foul odor and/or pain in toes or fingertips.  More information can be found at

Who is at risk for toenail fungus? Surprisingly, more men deal with this problem than women.  People with circulation problems due to diabetes or vascular insufficiency are at increased risk because of decreased blood supply.  People dealing with depressed immune systems, undergoing chemotherapy, or autoimmune diseases face an increased risk of developing nail fungus.  A person’s risk of catching toenail fungus increases as we age.    

1 comment:

  1. zetaclear is one of the most effectual and low-cost activity brandthat really effectively works aginst the blast incident.
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