Sunday, April 15, 2012

Protect yourself and your family from West Nile Virus

What can we do to protect ourselves and our family from West Nile Virus?  According to the CDC, “here’s the best reason to go ahead and use (insect) repellents—to avoid getting sick from West Nile Virus, this is a part of the equation you can help to control.” What Insect repellent does the CDC recommend?  The list of recommended repellents includes DEET, picaridin, IR3535 and a plant-based oil of lemon eucalyptus.  A full list of repellents can be found at  A couple other details you need to know:  while mosquitos can bite anytime, the experts believe the West Nile Virus mosquito (carriers) bite from sundown to sun-up so night time mosquito protection is critically important. 
Take care of your yard and get rid of standing water where mosquitos lay eggs and a new generation of mosquitos flourishes.  Many towns use mosquito-control efforts during the nice weather months to protect their citizens.  Be pro-active:  prevent those pesky mosquitos from feasting on you and your loved ones.   

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