Monday, March 7, 2011

Heart Health Risk Factors--Exercise

Physical Activity
               A jock I’m not; I don’t like exercising.  I do, however, like how it makes me feel when I’m finished.  I’m pleased with myself and my body is able to move more efficiently. I sleep sound and deal with stress better when I exercise.    I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced the runners high (a feeling of euphoria from the release of endorphins) but it sounds nice.
               Researchers of the Nurses’ Health Study found that “the more women walked during their late 50s and 60s, the better their memory was at age 70 and older.”  Ok, I like walking and I do want to remember who I am when I’m age 70 so I guess I better get started.  I’ve made the choice to get off the couch and exercise.  Now, where did I leave my walking shoes? 


  1. Sharon, it's nice to know that even a little bit of exercise can have a profound impact in our memory! Who wouldn't want that? Thanks for sharing. I love reading your articles.

  2. Thanks Deepali for the kind words.
    I'm enjoying your blog also. Keep up the good work. sharon
