Sunday, March 4, 2012

Smart Phone technology for our health part 2

 More smart phone apps for our health include:
  • "Brain Trainer" provides games developed by neuroscientists.  These game enhance memory, improve cognitive function and attention span and can boost the player’s mood.
  • "ITriage" provides valuable information and medical information for symptoms.  Remember there is a danger in self-diagnosing.  While this can be a helpful tool, it is not a substitute for your own doctor/health car provider. 
  • "5Star Urgent Response" can be used to access emergency medical care. 
  • "Livestrong MyQuit Coach" helps a person who wants to stop smoking. 
The remaining apps, "Noom weight loss coach", and "Endomondo Sports Tracker" can be used to record exercise and weight loss.  Several of these apps are free while some have a fee involved.  For more information about these apps, what smartphone they can be used upon and how much they cost (if any), see

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