Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kindness in action

February 19th was the 7 year anniversary of Mother’s death.  Dad worked hard and provided for us but it was Mom who was the heart and soul of our family.  As we frequently do, several of us recently  shared memories (by email) of Mom.  I asked for a favorite story about Mother.  Granddaughter Kim responded that she thinks often of Mother’s kindness.  Kim went on to say that Grandma was her role model for kindness and that she (Kim) strives to add kindness to her daily interactions also.
Kim shared a memory of Mom.  We and extended family gathered at a local park for a family reunion picnic.  During the afternoon, Mom heard that her two grandsons (approximately 9 and 10 years old) were playing in another part of the park when some bullies began harassing the boys.  “When she heard they were in trouble, immediately she was up from the table and was running to where they were.  I will never forget the look on her face as she RAN down the hill.  I’m sure she was fearful, but at that moment I remember thinking…’those kids are in big trouble.’ Mom had quickly shifted into protective grandmother mode and she was off to defend her grandsons.  

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