Sunday, September 4, 2011

Journaling for a person dealing with cancer or chronic diseases

Debi, what benefits will journaling give a person dealing with cancer?

Journaling can be another tool available for cancer patients for support and healing.  In general, research has determined the following:
People are better able to cope with the diagnosis and stress of the treatment.
Journaling helps patients understand how cancer has changed them, and helps to relieve anxiety
From a physical perspective, we know that expressive writing slows the heart rate, improves the immune system, and results in a general sense of well-being
Improved sleep quality and duration were documented in clinical research

At Write to Health, we have had significant experience with journal circles for cancer patients as well as one-on-one journaling sessions with the terminally ill.  I can tell you that the experience is powerful.  In the journal circles, we tend to incorporate art so that participants can be creative.  The entire writing process is quite emotional and yet can be tremendously healing.  In the journal circles, patients have a choice to share their writings or not.  I can tell you that we see firsthand what the research cites:  an improved sense of well-being, a decrease in anxiety, as well as all the benefits that a supportive community can yield.   

Tomorrow, Debi shares what journaling means to her personally.  Check out Write to Health website at

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