Sunday, November 3, 2013

7 Powerful Habits for Happy Relationships from Positivity Blog

I “follow” the Positivity Blog.  I recently read and enjoyed Henrik’s “7 Powerful Habits for Happy Relationships.”  He gave permission to share so I will do so over the next few posts.  If you don’t “follow” Henrik’s blog, I recommend it.  

“Happiness in life can come from many things.
From how meaningful you find your work to be. From a hobby you can get lost in for hours. Or from just being with the natural world around you and appreciating the light rain and slowly falling leaves of autumn.
A big part of the happiness also comes from the relationships in our lives. And from how we cultivate them and let them grow.

1. Treat other people as you would like to be treated.      
The most basic guideline of relationships is that how you treat someone is how that person is likely to treat you too in the long run.
If you are kind and helpful they will tend to be kind and helpful to you. If you never really listen or are judgmental then you are likely to get that in return.
There will of course be exceptions. Some people will not reciprocate and treat you well even if you treat them well. And you may not get back what you give right away.
But in the long run and in most cases things tend to even out.
Just don’t make the mistake of waiting for everyone else to make a change or to take the first step. Instead, be proactive. Be the one to take the first few steps to build the relationships you want to live in and to start giving what you want to get."

Readers, check back for another portion of Henrik's 7 Powerful Habits for Happy Relationships.  If you don't follow The Positivity Blog, check out


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