Thursday, October 4, 2012

Germy Hands

I recently read an eye-opening thriller book.  In this book, the bad guys contaminated handrailing on public building stairs with infectious germs by rubbing their germ-laden hands over the railing.  This caught my attention.  Do I use handrailings on stairs?  Absolutely, I don’t want to slip, trip and fall down a stairway.  It’s the careful thing to do, right?  Well, forget the thriller book, what germs do all the other people using that handrail leave behind every day? Hmmm. 

How can I protect myself from germy handrails?  Wash my hands or use hand sanitizer before I eat, drink, or touch my face, especially eyes or mouth.  Easy to do.  I have begun carrying a small bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer for times when I cannot wash my hands.  We might also consider doorknobs as a potential place to pick up germs.  Am I sounding paranoid?  I hope not, just thinking of ways to keep us healthy this cold and flu season. 

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