Monday, February 20, 2012

Heart Lifestyle Risk Factors--exercise, healthy diet, and maintain normal weight

I occasionally hear people talk about how their grandfather ate bacon and eggs every day and never had to worry about high cholesterol and his diet.  This is my interpretation of that scenario.  My dad was a hard working farmer who ate hearty meals and lived to the old age of 92.  The difference was my dad worked hard physically and did not have excess body fat.   

Nowdays, we work hard mentally but not always physically.  Many people spend their work days sitting at their desk, staring at a computer screen.  We work hard and deal with plenty of stress while having little physical activity to burn off calories we eat.  We gain weight which often means we store the excess food as triglycerides and cholesterol floating around our blood streams and adhering to our arteries.   

There, I’ve explained why we need exercise, healthy diets and to maintain a normal body weight in one paragraph.  Now, if it were only that easy.  (Remember, I’m preaching to the choir as I’m a Lifetime Weight Watcher). 

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