Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How can we better deal with SAD?

How can we better deal with SAD?  

Take a trip to a warm, sunny place.  We’ve done this several years and recommend the dose of sunshine (vitamin D) one gets from walking the beach and lying in the sun.  Remember your sun screen to prevent sunburn and possible skin cancer.  However, I recognize a tropical trip is not possible for everyone or even every year.   

What are other tactics we can use?  Add more light to your life.  Open curtains and get as much light in your house as possible.  Dress appropriately and get outside for a walk, if possible in the middle part of the day.  Sit and soak up the sunlight for a few minutes (But keep warm, even if you have to bundle up in coat, earmuffs and mittens).  

Do any of my readers have suggestions of how to cope with SAD?  What works for you?

If these simple strategies do not work, your doctor may have some suggestions.  More tomorrow. 

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