Sunday, August 21, 2011

News Headlines #9 --WIIFM (what's in it for me?)

One last set of comments about blood clots. 
What can you do to prevent blood clots when traveling?  The WebMD staff gives these suggestions: “Consider purchasing compression stockings at a medical supply store and wear them during your travels.  Avoid wearing short, tight socks or crossing your legs for long periods.  Drink plenty of fluids and avoid dehydrating fluids such as coffee and alcohol.  Dehydration causes blood to thicken and vessels to narrow. When traveling by car, stop every hour to walk around.  Between connecting flights and during long flights, get up and move around.  This squeezes the blood vessels, helping to prevent DVT by preventing the formation of blood clots.“ 

Now I will be honest with you.  I do not wear compression stockings during travel (I don't even own any.)  But it is good advice from the WebMD staff.  As I have become more aware of the risks of blood clots during travel, we do follow other recommendations.  If you are stuck sitting on an airplane and cannot easily move around, move your feet in circles at your ankles and flex your leg muscles (curl your toes up and down) several times and often.   This muscle movement helps keep the blood moving and prevents blood clots.   
For more information about preventing deep vein thrombosis, see

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