Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dealing with Denial

When bad news hits us in the face, our first reaction is to deny.  “No way can that lump be cancer.”  Denial is our normal coping mechanism.  It’s a protective response that gives our brains time to adjust to bad news, In fact, you may remember that denial is the first step of grieving. 

We can grieve over many losses in life.  Of course, we grieve over the loss of loved ones, including beloved pets.  But we can also grieve over loss of other aspects of life, such as our health or a job that we enjoy.  Many people who have heard a diagnosis of serious life-threatening illness such as cancer or Alzheimer’s will recognize they went through the stages of grief. 

How do we constructively deal with denial?  According to, these strategies can help us deal with denial.

       ·       Face what you are afraid of.  Allow yourself to honestly examine the situation you are in denial about.  Is it wise to keep ignoring a problem?  If it’s about a lump, stop denying it’s a problem.

·       Talk to someone you trust; Vent about your fears and concerns.  You will find the weight of the situation lightens as you share your thoughts and fears.

·       Get help.  Go to your family doctor and get his opinion.  If he recommends a referral to a specialist, do that.

·       Write it down.  Journaling helps a person cope constructively.

·       A support group can provide a helping hand as people cope with tough times of life. 

·       A strategy I personally have used over the years: ask yourself what’s the worst that can happen and can I live with that “worst?  I have found these questions decrease my anxiety over the situation. 
Five Stages of Loss and Grieving can be found at
Mayo Clinic, Denial: When it helps, when it hurts,

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