Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day--the Day of Love

When we were young, we thought of LOVE in emotional terms. Yes, love does bring emotions.  Good emotions happen when I hug and am hugged by someone I love and who cares about me.  Bad emotions happen when we lose significant people in our lives to death or divorce.  But when you get past the emotions, Love brings on actions. 

Love put into action might be called kindness.  The Positivity Blog writer, Henrik Edberg, recently posted a blog post called “One Simple Thing You can Do to Feel Better about Yourself” and his “simple thing” involves being kind to the people in our lives.  I printed this post to keep because he is so right. Many of his suggestions for showing kindness cost no money.  They are things such as giving a genuine compliment, holding the door open for the next person, encouraging family and friends when they are discouraged, listening to someone who needs to vent, and allowing another car to enter your lane.  He lists more and you can find this post at

But back to the blog title:  one simple thing you can do to feel better about yourself.  When we reach out in kindness to others, we feel good about ourselves.  We usually get positive feedback.  A thank you and a smile can brighten the day of everyone involved.  Isn’t that what LOVE is all about?     

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