Sunday, September 14, 2014

Walking prevents limitations for arthritic joints

When your knees hurt, it’s easy to back off on the exercise.  You want to protect your joints and do not enjoy the pain you deal with.  However, the experts recommend more exercise, not less. So how much exercise is needed to prevent arthritic limitations such as getting out of bed or a chair, climbing stairs or walking?  They recommend walking 6000 steps/day. 

The researchers recognize that many people with osteoarthritis do very little exercise.  A 2013 study showed that 2/3 of Americans do not walk 90 minutes per week.  But what about the “unstructured walking” we do during our day to day lives?  “Unstructured walking” happens when we walk around the house, watering our flower beds. Another example of unstructured walking is when we carry clean clothes from the dryer and put it away in our closet and dresser. Probably everyone does these types of activities.  So how many steps will help keep our joints healthy and prevent limitations?  Researchers looked at almost 1800 people for a period of two years.  Those people who walked 6000 steps/day or more protected their joints better and had fewer limitations.
So, I guess we need to pull out those pedometers (or download a free pedometer app on your iPhone) and see how many steps we take every day.  It would be an interesting experiment.  Hmmm.  I wonder how many steps I make during my work day.


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